182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support

What services provide prompt short-term transition assistance?

"Rainbow Fund" provides rapid response to people who find themselves in an emergency financial crisis for which other sources of help may not be available.                     ...

What services provide prompt short-term transition assistance?

"Rainbow Fund" provides rapid response to people who find themselves in an emergency financial crisis for which other sources of help may not be available.                     ...

Are there any plans to provide living allowances to caregivers from low-income families of Persons with Disabilities to subsidize their living expenses?

The Community Care Fund launched the “Scheme on Living Allowance for Low-income Carers of Persons with Disabilities” in October 2016 with the aim of providing carers of persons with disabilities from low-income families with a living allowance to help supplement their living expenses so that persons ...

Are there any plans to provide living allowances to caregivers from low-income families to subsidize their living expenses?

The Community Care Fund (CCF) launched the “Scheme on Living Allowance for Carers of Elderly Persons from Low-income Families” in June 2014 with the aim of providing carers of elderly persons from low-income families with a living allowance to help supplement their living expenses so tha ...

What kind of materials assistance can carers get?

You can use the search function on this page, select "Carers" and select “Funds for Specific Groups/Special Needs Trust/Financial Assistance" to find relevant service users " Materials Assistance".https://carers.hk/en-us/articles/service-and-resource?action=search& ...
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