182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support

What units provide services to individuals and families?

The IFSCs aim at supporting and strengthening individuals and families through delivering of services under the direction of 'child-centred, family-focused and community-based.'An IFSC consists of 3 major components, namely, family resource unit, family support unit and family counselling unit. At p ...

What units provide services to the parents and relatives / carers of persons with disabilities?

At present, there are a total of 19 subvented Parents / Relatives Resource Centres (PRCs), including one centre designated for ex-mentally ill people and five of which have been set up with specialised ethnic minority (EM) units1. Its objective is to provide community support for the parents and rel ...

What primary medical services are currently provided in the community?

The District Health Centre aims to raise public awareness on personal health management, enhance disease prevention, and strengthen medical and rehabilitation services in the community, thereby reducing unwarranted use of hospital services. The services include health promotion, health screening for ...

What services are available to support different types of carers?

There is provide emotional support to carers and provide individual counseling services when necessary. In addition, some organizations will provide rest space for carers, such as carer cafes, interest groups, etc., to allow carers to rest. Furthermore, other community resources will be provided, including repairing rehabilitation equipment, rehabilitation auxiliary clothing, etc., to facilitate carers care.
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