182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support
Persons with Visual Impairment

Persons with Visual Impairment

Assessment service information Transportation resources District Health Centre/DHC Express

What services provide prompt short-term transition assistance?

"Rainbow Fund" provides rapid response to people who find themselves in an emergency financial crisis for which other sources of help may not be available.                     ...

What kind of materials assistance can persons with persons with visual impairment get?

You can use the search function on this page, select "Persons with Visual Impairment" and select “Funds for Specific Groups/Special Needs Trust/Financial Assistance" to find relevant service users " Materials Assistance".https://carers.hk/en-us/articles/service-and-res ...

What funds are available to provide financial assistance to people with disabilities?

The " Independent Living Fund " aims to provide financial assistance to people with disabilities in the form of interest-free loans to help pay for rehabilitation-related expenses and achieve the goal of independent living.You can use the search function on this page, select "Persons ...

What services are available to Hong Kong residents who are severely disabled or who are 65 years of age or above to meet special needs arising from disability or old age?

The objective of the SSA Scheme is to provide a monthly allowance to Hong Kong residents who are severely disabled or who are 65 years of age or above to meet special needs arising from disability or old age. The Scheme includes Normal Disability Allowance, Higher Disability Allowance, Old Age Allow ...

How the government provides a safety net for those who are financially unable to provide for themselves to meet their basic needs?

The CSSA Scheme provides a safety net for those who cannot support themselves financially to meet their basic needs.
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