Is there any service provide for the discharged elderly with a weak condition?
Funded by the Labour and Welfare Bureau and operated by the Hospital Authority (HA), the Integrated Discharge Support Programme for Elderly Patients (IDSP) provides transitional and integrated support services for discharged patients aged 60 or above who are at a higher risk of emergency re-admissio ...
What services are available to provide temporary day care service for the elderly living in the community?
Day Respite Service for elderly persons provides relief for carers so that they may take short-term breaks or attend to other matters when required. It aims at encouraging and helping elderly persons to continue living in the community for as long as possible.Day Respite Service is provided by all s ...
What services are available to provide temporary residential care service for the elderly living in the community?
Residential respite service is a form of temporary or short-term residential care service for the elderly person. It serves the objective of providing temporary relief for family members or relatives who are the main caregivers of the elderly requiring a certain degree of personal care whilst residi ...
Are there subsidized residential care services for the elderly?
How to apply?
Subsidised residential care servicesSubsidised residential care services for the elderly aim to provide residential care and facilities for elderly persons aged 65 or above who, for personal, social, health and/or other reasons, cannot adequately be taken care of at home. Persons aged between 60 and ...
If the elderly has already stayed in private home, can he/she entitled a subsided place in the same private home?
SWD has purchased places from private homes for the elderly under the Enhanced Bought Place Scheme (EBPS) since 1998, with a view to upgrading the service standard of these homes through enhanced service requirements in terms of staffing and space standard. This also helps to increase the supply of ...