182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support


Rehabilitation Service Care-on-call Service

Is there any clinical psycholoical service for elderly?

Clinical psychologists of the Social Welfare Department provide psychological assessments and psychotherapy services to the public, supporting them to face emotional distresses and major challenges in life.Clinical Psychological Services ...

When the elderly suffers from swallowing problems, is there any information and solutions available?

Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is a common issue among older adults. The "Care Food" website provides relevant information on managing swallowing difficulties, soft food standards, and purchasing soft food items.照護食標準指引 ...

Is there any combined discount platform or offer for elderly?

The Senior Citizen Card provides a generally recognized proof of age to elderly persons so as to facilitate their access to concessions, discounts or priority services offered by Government departments, public transport, private and commercial establishments. The Scheme aims at promoting a spirit of ...

Is there any elderly information website apart from this website?

"eElderly" was launched in 2010 as an all-in-one platform for seniors and their families, providing comprehensive lifestyle information. It brings together the efforts of various government departments, elderly service organizations, and private enterprises to create an interactive online ...
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