182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support
Persons with Chronic Diseases/Congenital Defects

Persons with Chronic Diseases/Congenital Defects

Stroke Diabetes Chronic Respiratory Diseases Kidney Diseases Liver Diseases Parkinson's Disease Organ Transplant Myasthenia Gravis Cleft Lip and Palate Clinical psychological case work service Transportation resources Rehabilitation Equippment District Health Centre/DHC Express

What is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate is a walnut-sized gland in the male reproduction system, located between the bladder neck and the urinary passage (urethra).

What services provide a support network for Prostate Cancer patients?

Prostate Alliance \ Rostate Peer Association

What is Stroke?

The medical term of stroke is ""cerebral vascular disease"". It occurs when blood supply to the brain is reduced or blocked for certain reasons leading to a sudden lack of oxygen in the brain cells.

What services provide a support network for Stroke patients?

Self Help Group for the Brain Damaged \ Tung Wah Hospital Stroke Club

What services are provided to stroke patients and their families to help strengthen family functions?

The Hong Kong Stroke Association \ WeRISE \ Stroke Patients and Relatives Support Group
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