182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support
Persons with Hearing Impairment

Persons with Hearing Impairment

Rehabilitation Equippment Transportation resources District Health Centre/DHC Express

What services are available to improve and enhance employment support for young people with disabilities (including early psychotic symptoms), including on-the-job guidance, employment training opportunities?

Sunnyway - On the Job Training Programme for Young People with Disabilities enhances the employment of young persons with disabilities or early signs of mental illness through proactive training.

What services are available for trainees in sheltered workshops or integrated vocational rehabilitation services centres who are unable to continue their daily work training due to old age or deterioration in work abilities?

Work Extension Programme (WEP) aims to meet the service needs of the existing trainees of sheltered workshops/ integrated vocational rehabilitation services centres (SW/IVRSC) who could no longer perform normal work tasks due to old age or deterioration in work abilities.

Apart from the subsidized residential services for people with disabilities, what other residential care services are available with less waiting times and relatively reasonable price?

Self-financing hostels provide alternative residential services to meet temporary and permanent housing needs of people with disabilities. It can help to release the subvented residential places for the more needy persons with disabilities through the provision of extra residential places.

n addition to subsidized residential services for persons with disabilities and self-financing residential homes, what other government-subsidized residential services can people with disabilities apply for with less waiting time?

The SWD has bought places from private Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities (RCHDs) to encourage private RCHDs to upgrade their service standards

How can I get the list of private residential care homes (non-bought place scheme)?

How can I get the list of private residential care homes (non-bought place scheme)?
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