182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support
Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Can recipients of high-level disability allowances who are employed in paid work hire carers?

The Pilot Scheme aims to provide HDA recipients in paid employment with a subsidy for hiring carers to assist them in travelling between their home and workplace (not applicable to persons who work from home) and/or taking care of their activities in the workplace (including providing care for daily ...

What services are available for trainees in sheltered workshops or integrated vocational rehabilitation services centres who are unable to continue their daily work training due to old age or deterioration in work abilities?

Work Extension Programme (WEP) aims to meet the service needs of the existing trainees of sheltered workshops/ integrated vocational rehabilitation services centres (SW/IVRSC) who could no longer perform normal work tasks due to old age or deterioration in work abilities. The services include work a ...

How the government provides a safety net for those who are financially unable to provide for themselves to meet their basic needs?

The CSSA Scheme provides a safety net for those who cannot support themselves financially to meet their basic needs.You can refer to the following Social Welfare Department website.Information on service scope of CSSA SchemeThe source of information is provided by the Social Welfare Department ...

What is the Jockey Club Keen and Active Kids Project?

The project aims to implement the school-based service model for the support and training of students with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in mainstream primary and secondary schools. The project is funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and supported by the University o ...

What is the Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment?

The Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment aspires to not only raise stakeholders’ awareness and knowledge on inclusive employment, but also inspire them to take action and become advocates for inclusive employment, contributing to social inclusion. The project aims to facilitate ...
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