182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support

「粒米-Lovmee」感謝日 2

Organization:St. James' Settlement - (M:) Drive ~ Mobile Van for Publicity Service on Mental Wellness

Target Audience:Carers of Persons with Addictive Behavior、Public、Carers of Persons with Chronic Diseases/Congenital Defects、Carers of Persons with Hearing Impairment、Carers of Persons with Visual Impairment、Carers of Persons in Mental Recovery、Carers of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder、Carers of Persons with Physical Disabilities、Carers of Children with Special Needs、Carers of Elderly

「粒米-Lovmee」感謝日2 再撐照顧者





A. 伸展運動工作坊(11:00AM-1:00PM)

B. 安睡香薰按摩工作坊(11:00AM-1:00PM)

C. 浮游花瓶工作坊(3:00-5:00PM)

D. 中醫養生食療工作坊(3:00-5:00PM)


*合辦單位(排名不分先後):綜合心理健康計劃(港島東聯網)、灣仔綜合家庭服務中心、躍動同行先導計劃、「童悅牽」幼稚園社工服務、「共童愛」幼稚園社工服務、灣仔長者地區中心、雅聚天地-地區支援中心(灣仔)、殘疾人士輔助就業培訓、家庭喜點-家長/親屬資源中心、賽馬會「樂在照顧」計劃 - 聖雅各福群會與愛同行支援服務、賽馬會平行心間計劃

Participation Conditions

Target Audience:Carers of Persons with Addictive Behavior、Public、Carers of Persons with Chronic Diseases/Congenital Defects、Carers of Persons with Hearing Impairment、Carers of Persons with Visual Impairment、Carers of Persons in Mental Recovery、Carers of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder、Carers of Persons with Physical Disabilities、Carers of Children with Special Needs、Carers of Elderly

Registration Deadline:2024-09-20

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