Ovarian Cancer

Ovaries are female reproductive organs in the pelvic cavity. There is one ovary with the size of a walnut on each side of the womb to which is connected by the fallopian tubes. Ovaries produce eggs and secrete female hormones. Every month, the ovaries release one egg. If not fertilized, the egg would be discharged along with the shedding of the inner lining of the womb, causing a woman to menstruate.

When a malignant tumor is found in the ovaries, it is called ovarian cancer.

You can refer to the following website for more information on investigating, making diagnosis and treatments for Ovarian Cancer.

Information of Ovarian Cancer

Cervical Cancer

"The cervix is at the top of vagina and lies at the lower part of womb. Infection by human papillomavirus (HPV) (a family of viruses that infect the skin and mucosal membranes lining the body) may cause abnormal changes to the cells of the cervix, a condition called Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN).  CIN is not cancer, but there is a chance that it may develop into cancer.

You can refer to the following website for more information on investigating, making diagnosis and treatments for Gynecological Cancer.

Information of Gynecological Cancer

The source of information is provided by the Hospital Authority Smart Patient